As an FBI Agent, he created the first San Diego Anti-Terrorism Team (in the FBI and the Nation), a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional, multi-operational Team able to respond to any man-made or natural critical incident in the San Diego Operational Area. The Team had cross training and operational training of Team members in each other’s capabilities, equipment, and protocols.
He is currently Director of Tactical Operations and Training at Executive Response Solutions. He provides security planning, training, and exercises for all levels of Government, First Responders, Agencies, Tribal Nations, and Corporations; subcontracting to other Companies to provide similar services.
After becoming aware of ALICE training and concepts, he became an ALICE Certified Instructor and now is proud to be a member of the National Trainer Team.
As an FBI Agent, he created the first San Diego Anti-Terrorism Team (in the FBI and the Nation), a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional, multi-operational team able to respond to any man-made or natural critical incident in the San Diego Operational Area. The team had cross-training and operational training of team members in each other’s capabilities, equipment and protocols.
He is currently Director of Tactical Operations and Training at Executive Response Solutions. He provides security planning, training, and exercises for all levels of government, first responders, agencies, tribal nations, and corporations; subcontracting to other companies to provide similar services.
After becoming aware of ALICE Training and concepts, he became an ALICE Certified Instructor and now is proud to be a member of the National Trainer Team.