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Character & Culture

Nurture mental & emotional well-being

Build character, address areas of need, and teach students the skills that are necessary to ensure success in the classroom and beyond with Navigate360’s Character & Culture solutions.

Character & Culture
Compass Curriculum

Compass Curriculum

Build a strong foundation for students, staff, and families with social-emotional learning.

Provide lessons, tools, and strategies to guide your school community in the development of the social-emotional skills necessary to build a positive schoolwide climate.

More about Navigate360 Compass Curriculumarrow

PBIS Rewards

Simplify schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports management.

Easily recognize and reward students’ positive behaviors in the classroom – or anywhere in the school – to promote consistency and fidelity of program implementation.

More about the Navigate360 PBIS Rewardsarrow

Behavior Referral System

Track behavior referrals with ease.

Decrease lengthy office referral procedures, increase instructional time, and easily identify trends in concerning behaviors.

More about Navigate360 Behavior Referral Systemarrow

Behavior Intervention

Foster accountability with effective behavior interventions.

Turn challenging behaviors into learning opportunities by reinforcing expectations and using restorative practices.

More about the Navigate360 Behavior Intervention

Behavior Intervention
Character Education

Develop character and empower students.

Build the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful students, citizens, and lifelong learners.

More about Navigate360 Character Educationarrow


Cultivate the skills necessary to overcome obstacles with resiliency.

Develop problem-solving, conflict resolution, and healthy coping strategies in students so they can face challenges with confidence.

More about Navigate360 Resiliencyarrow

Mental Health & Prevention

Promote awareness of mental health and safety to prevent risk or harm.

Reduce the stigma around mental health with lessons, tools, and strategies for coping and build students’ understanding of healthy and unhealthy patterns and choices.

More about Navigate360 Mental Health & Preventionarrow

Professional Development

Improve program buy-in and implementation fidelity.

Strengthen understanding of our Character & Culture programs by building educators’ background knowledge with virtual, online, or in-person professional development.

More about the Navigate360 Professional Developmentarrow

Build Effective Safety & Well-Being Programs with Navigate360 Bundles

With Navigate360 as your one-stop shop, you streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency by eliminating the complexities of managing multiple vendors, systems, and support teams. Benefit from integrated solutions that simplify curriculum delivery, assessment management, and student engagement, all from a single trusted partner.

The Ultimate Guide to School Safety & Student Success

Set a course for zero incidents.

Connect with a Navigate360 safety and well-being expert to discuss your goals.

You can create a positive school culture for all.

PBIS Rewards helps schools create a positive climate in which every student can learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally.