With more than 2 million apps in both Google Play and Apple stores, there’s an app for virtually anything.
In the K-12 education arena, you can find apps to create custom study guides or electronic storybooks, teach students to tell time or act as graphing calculators. Mobile learning is cited as one of the hottest trends in education and it’s helping many schools realize the power of tablets and smartphones in the classroom.
However, learning and teaching apps aren’t the only craze when it comes to education apps. School safety apps – especially those designed for emergency preparedness – are also taking hold.
While these safety apps don’t number in the hundreds or thousands, they are without doubt helping prepare school communities for potential emergencies.
FlipCharts App for Accessing School Emergency Procedures
Take the FlipCharts module within the NaviGate Prepared app, for example. FlipCharts takes a school’s emergency procedures and puts them right in the palm of your staff’s hands.
No more bulky, expensive hard copy flipcharts. Administrators, teachers and staff always have access to the same, current emergency procedure information. And, during an emergency, there’s one less thing to worry about. With the module, getting your flipcharts is as simple as grabbing your phone or tablet – something you are likely to already have with you.
Administrators build and customize the flipcharts. You can assign labels and colors, include emergency call lists and more. Users (administrators, teachers and staff) log into the app and the flipcharts are automatically loaded onto their mobile devices. Once the flipcharts are loaded onto a device, they are accessible with or without Internet.
Administrators maintain complete control of updates and published content. To ensure users always have the latest updates, simply open the module when connected to the Internet and an automatic update occurs.
Schools Love the FlipChart App for Easily Accessible, Current Information
When Kings Local School District first decided to use the FlipChart module, their manager of school business affairs, said:
“I personally believe every district struggles a bit with how to keep their employees up to speed with school safety information. The Navigate FlipChart app provides easy access to every employee’s building Emergency Operation Plan (EOP). What a tremendous resource the app has become for our administrators as they now have, at their fingertips, a tool they can use in staff meetings to review a particular annex of their plan. In the event of a school incident, the EOPs are in your hands continuously. In our district, we also added an emergency phone list for accessing important phone numbers in the event of a crisis.”
“The flipchart module in the Emergency Management suite represents the simplest way I have to get critical safety information into the hands of our district staff. It’s also fair to say updating our plans is a breeze. To have a quick and easy reference via a phone app is second to none.”
So the next time you are sitting in a staff meeting and the topic of emergency flipcharts comes up -remember -there is an app for that.