In the aftermath of the devastating school shooting at Perry Middle School & High School in Iowa, our hearts ache for the entire community now grappling with this senseless act of violence. The loss of lives and the injuries sustained serve as stark reminders of the distressing trend of violence on our school campuses.
This tragedy comes on the heels of the second-worst year on record for mass shootings in the United States, with 656 tragedies affecting communities across the nation. With each heartbreaking incident, the imperative to implement effective strategies and foster a culture of safety becomes increasingly urgent.
In response to the shooting, JP Guilbault, CEO of Navigate360 and ALICE Training®, issued the following statement:
“My deepest sympathies and thoughts are with the entire Perry community as they grapple with the far-reaching impacts of this tragedy. I extend my sincere gratitude to the courageous actions of law enforcement, first responders, and healthcare professionals who acted with dedication and bravery.
These relentless acts of violence chip away at the promise of safety that students, parents, educators, and communities should rightfully expect. If we want to equip our students and school staff to flourish, it’s imperative that we create environments where they can teach, learn, and grow without fear of harm or tragedy.
It’s essential for us all to be vigilant and attuned to recognizing and reporting concerning behaviors to prevent further tragedies. Equally critical is the necessity to prepare communities with the training and skills needed to respond effectively in the event of an active shooter situation. At Navigate360, our unwavering commitment remains to ensure that every student, teacher, administrator, and support staff member can attend school without fear.
Striving for zero incidents is not just a goal; it’s a moral imperative we must collectively pursue to safeguard our future generations.”
Together, let us honor the victims of yesterday’s tragedy by uniting in resolve. We must work collaboratively to shape a future where safety, compassion, and resilience guide us, empowering our schools and communities to thrive without the looming threat of violence.
Ways to Cope with Grief After Community Violence
Today, the families and community of Perry, Iowa need our support as they grieve, cope, and strive to recover. After surviving or witnessing such a traumatic event, survivors can experience a range of emotions, from grief to depression to anger. While these reactions are common, they cannot be ignored. It is important to be able to recognize these signs of grief and trauma. We would like to share resources to help you, or anyone in your community, struggling to navigate these difficult emotions.