It is important to us to share valuable resources with schools, especially relating to emergency preparedness and safety. Which is why we are so excited to share Anthony Huey and the fantastic work he does helping schools with crisis communication.
Last week, we sponsored Anthony to speak at an event hosted by Kings Local School District in Mason, Ohio. The event was extremely well-attended and Anthony shared a wealth of information, from the importance of and steps to developing a crisis communication plan to key techniques when communicating with the media (and parents, staff, board members, etc) during and after an emergency or crisis.
Valuable Take-aways
As a professional communicator, Anthony practices what he preaches! His style is engaging, approachable, fun and memorable. In a time when our own attention span resembles that of a goldfish, Anthony not only captivates the audience, but he teaches you how to do the same.
We are thrilled to be bringing Anthony to our 2nd Annual Summer Academy & Conference and know schools will benefit substantially from his message and actionable insights.
By the Time You Hear the Thunder, It’s Too Late to Build the Ark
That is one of Anthony’s sayings and truer words were never spoken! You can learn more about Anthony on his website. For example, his career includes tenures as a news reporter, magazine senior editor, crisis management specialist, media relations consultant and executive speech coach.
Also, be sure to visit the “Tips & Information” section for valuable FREE resources.