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The Understanding Microaggressions curriculum can be taken by any employee in a K-12 setting for knowledge and resources on how to recognize, be aware of, and hopefully, help prevent microaggressions. The content from these courses are compiled research by Dr. Shawn DiNarda Watters, a professor of education. These courses are awareness courses, for general understanding by faculty and staff on recognizing their own biases in order to promote a change in behavior to mitigate microaggressions.   

By the end of the courses, they will be able to: 

  • Identify microaggressions in daily interactions with members of the school community. 

  • Become cognizant of the potential impact of microaggressions on members of the school community.  

  • Discover techniques to minimize the occurrence of microaggressions and ways to respond when someone has been microaggressive in their interactions. 

  • Address students, families, and colleagues in a non-biased manner to build community.