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ALICE Training® Teacher Resources

Decrease Fear and Increase Confidence with Multi-Option Response Training

Welcome to our comprehensive online toolkit designed to support you as you work to understand and implement ALICE Training in your classroom. We understand that ensuring the safety and well-being of students is a top priority for educators, and our aim is to provide you with the resources and knowledge necessary to navigate these critical situations effectively.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, it is crucial for teachers to be prepared for emergency scenarios, including active shooter incidents. ALICE Training (an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate) offers a proactive and empowering approach to enhance response options during a crisis. By incorporating ALICE strategies, you can equip yourself with the tools to make informed decisions that can potentially save lives.

After educators and staff are trained on ALICE, it is important that these strategies are communicated to students in an age-appropriate and trauma-informed way. Through this toolkit, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of ALICE Training’s core principles, learn how to effectively communicate emergency protocols to students, explore best practices, and delve into strategies for maintaining a secure and supportive classroom environment.

Let this toolkit be your guide as you strive to make your educational spaces secure, nurturing, and conducive to optimal learning experiences.

Why is it important to teach students about ALICE concepts?

Most active shooter events are over in less than 5 minutes, and the average law enforcement response time is about 10-15 minutes. ALICE strategies help save lives in the time between when an incident begins and law enforcement arrives. This is why it is critical that everyone – from administrators to teachers and staff to students – are informed on ALICE strategies and prepared in the event of an incident.

Learning about ALICE doesn’t have to be scary or anxiety-inducing. In fact, 9 out of 10 students reported feeling prepared and confident after learning about ALICE.

Best Practices & Implementation Tips for the Classroom

When discussing/teaching about ALICE:

  • Ensure you are using age-appropriate language – the Lesson Plans located in the Navigate360 Preparation & Response Training are sorted by age group and can provide guidance.
  • ALICE should be presented by an ALICE Certified Instructor (ACI) from the district or local law enforcement agency.
  • Students’ questions and concerns should always be welcomed and encouraged.
  • Prepare discussion questions ahead of the teaching session(s)–this will encourage class participation and engagement.
  • Be sure to emphasize the “why” of the training—we want you to feel safe and empowered!

When conducting drills:

  • All drills should be announced in advance – to both students and families.
  • Do not use scenarios or simulations of any kind with students of any age or at any grade level. This includes using role play, props, simulations and/or scare tactics to train students how to respond in an emergency.
  • Help students identify a favorite coping strategy to use in case they need to self-regulate during a discussion or drill.
  • Affirm that it’s OK to feel however they are feeling and remind students that emergencies are extremely rare, and drills will help to keep them safe.
  • Debrief with students about the drill. Identify things that went well and areas to improve. Give students a chance to share their feelings about the drill. Share and reflect how you feel while affirming that drills help keep students safe.


Talking to Children About Violence

Gain strategies for communicating with children about the nature and impact of violence in your community.


Trauma-Informed Practices & Resources: A Helpful Guide for Educators & Parents

Gain a better understanding of what ALICE Training is, best practices for drills, and how you and your students can navigate the process without inflicting unnecessary trauma.


Age-Appropriate Guidelines for ALICE Training at Any Age

Review best practices to support students, regardless of age, through active shooter drills.


Age-Appropriate K-12 Lesson Plans

The lessons are structured appropriately for the cognitive level of younger students and, for grades four and later, Stop-and-Do training videos to be facilitated by a teacher in the familiar surroundings of their classroom. This model provides age-appropriate training to minimize the anxiety of preparing for active shooter response while helping to develop decision-making skills students can use during a real threat.

Lesson plans and resources, such as Stop-and-Do training videos, can be accessed directly in their your Navigate360 Preparation & Response Training account in the “ALICE Lesson Plans for K12” module. Lesson plans are available for preschool & kindergarten, early elementary, late elementary, middle school, and high school.

Family Letters

Family letters let families know their children are learning about ALICE in school. The letters inform them of activities and strategies learned and encourage them to talk with their child at home about emergencies.

Social Stories

Social Stories offer a customizable template to help educators talk to students about lockdown and evacuation. Social stories can be accessed directly in your Navigate360 Preparation & Response Training account in the “Considerations for Persons with Disabilities” module.

Power Cards

ALICE power cards are used to help students visualize the steps to the drills. Power Cards can be accessed directly in your Navigate360 Preparation & Response Training account in the “Considerations for Persons with Disabilities” module.

I’m Not Scared…I’m Prepared! Activity Book and Story Book

“I’m Not Scared…I’m Prepared” does a masterful job in presenting the ALICE curriculum in an age-appropriate manner. This book provides the missing piece to the puzzle, linking crucial safety information into the world view of elementary aged children in a powerful and proactive way.

The purpose of the Activity book is to enhance the concepts taught in the ALICE Training and make them applicable to children of all ages in a non-fearful way. By using the activity book along with the story book, children can develop a better understanding of what needs to be done if they ever encounter a “dangerous someone.”

You can purchase the books in our online store!


Family & Community Awareness Toolkit

Helping families and the community at large understand the value of ALICE Training® will equip them to support the work you’re doing on campus and extend its benefits beyond the walls of your school. This toolkit includes a 20-minute ALICE for Families and Communities course, family letters, family FAQ, and more.


ALICE Training Substitute Guide

Equip substitute teachers with a quick review of ALICE Training procedures so they are prepared to support students in the event of an emergency.


Ways to Cope with Grief After Community Violence

Learn the signs of grief, how to support others as they navigate it, and discover resources to help you and your community in the aftermath of a tragedy.