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School Safety and Wellness Suite

Create a safer and more successful learning environment for staff and students with comprehensive school safety training.
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Holistic School Safety Training and Tools Helping Staff and Students Build Confidence and Thrive


Modern safety requires an environment where your staff and students feel safe physically, emotionally, and socially. We all want to ensure a safe work and learning environment so that they can focus on what matters most. Our School Safety and Wellness Suite empowers you and your school community with proven strategies, scalable training, and expert tools to reduce risks and create safe learning environments for staff and students.

Additionally, we offer multiple training delivery models – ensuring our programs fit your school community’s safety and compliance needs. See which options work for you and get started today.

On behalf of the entire school district – students, teachers, staff, administrators, board – I would like to express our deep appreciation to the folks from ALICE for helping us take the first big step in changing our protocol for school safety.
Bill C.

School Board Member, Ingersoll Rand

Join +5,500 districts already preparing with Navigate360

Optimize training times and retention with micro-courses

Enhance school security with advanced safety certifications

Education and Training Across the Spectrum of Safety Creates a Critical Foundation

Our School Safety and Wellness Suite provides you and your staff with on demand access to an eLearning ecosystem to build confidence in all the individuals in your care.

  • Suicide Awareness and Prevention (4 Modules)
  • Understanding Bullying (8 Modules)
  • Vaping and Opioid Awareness (4 Modules)
  • ALICE Training®: Active Shooter Options-Based Response Strategies (9 Modules)
  • Recovery: Trauma Response (7 Modules)
  • Fundamentals of Threat Assessment (4 Modules)

Ensure the Wellbeing of Your Students and Staff – Emotionally and Socially – with Narrated Awareness Courses

Our wellness courses help your staff recognize and hopefully prevent a collapse in their own mental capacity as well as their students.

Opioid and Addiction Awareness

The opioid epidemic touches countless individuals with negative and long-term effects. It is imperative that schools act and take on the challenge to recognize and address addiction in staff and students. Navigate360’s Opioid and Addiction Awareness course helps your team properly recognize and hopefully help prevent addiction in themselves and those around them, at school and in the community.

  • This 4-segment course is for the basic learner and helps them understand drug use, addiction, prevention and recovery including: Understanding Drug Use and Addiction, Using Opioids – the effects and what to ask, Treatment for Addiction, and Guidelines and Laws for Helping those with Addiction.

Suicide Awareness and Prevention

The combined stressors of work, life and school can lead to overwhelming feelings at times. It is important to learn how to recognize and mitigate those tremendous feelings of negativity for your workforce, yourself and your students. The Suicide Awareness and Prevention course is designed for general learning to help understand what suicide really is as well as recognize and hopefully prevent suicide in learners and in their students.

  • This 4-segment course is for the fundamental learner and takes you through an introductory suicide awareness program including: The Truth About Suicide, Suicide Risk Factors, Suicide Warning Signs and Protecting and Helping.

Understanding Bullying

If left unaddressed, bullying can affect the physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing of children – now and in the future. Many adults, including educators, struggle with recognizing bullying and how to stop it when identified. Understanding Bullying is designed to help the learner understand modern bullying and how to facilitate interventions.

  • This 8-segment course is for all staff and takes the learner through the introduction, to recognition, engagement, and solutions for bullying intervention. The course includes: Basics of Bullying, Link Between Parenting Styles and Bullying, Physical Bullying, Relational Bullying, Verbal Bullying, Cyber Bullying and Sexting, Bullying as a Catalyst to School Shootings, and Bullying as a Catalyst to Suicide.

Digital Civility (Winter 2020)

Empower Staff and Students with Age and Ability Appropriate Active Shooter Response Training

ALICE Training® empowers your staff and students to respond with confidence, using research supported proactive options-based response strategies, when a violent incident occurs. You will receive a certification upon successful completion.

ALICE Training®: Violent Assailant, Options-Based Response Strategies

Society is forcing schools to adjust to modern security issues with modern safety solutions. The “it won’t happen here” mentality is no longer an option for any organization. Preparing and protecting the individuals in your care is not only your responsibility by law, it is the right thing to do for your school and community.

  • The ALICE Training 6-segment course is on-demand and helps your team understand the life saving strategies and lays a foundation for the life lessons that can be used anywhere in any environment. The modules include extensive training on: Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate strategies to be used in any order appropriate to the individual situation.
  • The ALICE Training course also includes multiple specialized staff modules, applying the ALICE strategies to specific roles, including: ALICE for Administrators, ALICE for Bus Drivers, ALICE for Cafeteria and Food Services, ALICE for Coaches, ALICE for Custodians, and ALICE for Support Staff.
  • ALICE Training is age and ability appropriate – with curriculum developed for students’ mental, physical, social and emotional levels. The ALICE student curriculum is a one-to-many learning path, guiding students through response strategies appropriate to their age, ability, and developmental levels. Included in this curriculum is the ALICE Special Considerations course and resources, which are customizable for each student and can be included in their IEP.

Take advantage of multiple training options to ensure your team’s retention with live virtual workshops or onsite training.

Ensure a Safe, Compassionate and Efficient Recovery Process Following an Emergency

Discover how to build an effective recovery plan, ensuring a safe and quick return to school for your staff and students. Get access to real recovery planning resources to help you develop, document, and test your school’s plan.

Recovery: Trauma Response

No leader wants to believe the violence of world will penetrate the walls of their schools. Unfortunately, believing it won’t happen is not a safe strategy. Every organization needs to have a plan in place to ensure the recovery is compassionate and swift after an act of violence occurs. Our trauma response planning course takes your leadership team through a comprehensive planning and documenting process.

  • This is an interactive 7-segment course for leadership with resources to draft and document your plan including: Introduction and Defining Trauma, Preparedness Timeline, Coping and Healing, Media Coverage Management, Moving On to Normalcy, Addressing Anniversaries and Safety Training Post Event.

Reunification (Winter 2020)

Understand and Recognize Concerning Behaviors to Prevent Violence

Improve prevention of school violence and incidents by helping staff understand the risk factors and warning signs of concerning behaviors to help keep your staff and students safe.

Behavioral Threat Assessment Training (Fall 2020)

Harassment & Stalking (Winter 2020)

Develop School Safety Teams and Enhance Security with Advanced Training Certifications

As a supplement to our School Safety and Wellness Suite, we also offer advanced certification courses to develop your security teams and further enhance safety for your schools.

Advanced certification courses for schools currently include:

  • ALICE Instructor Certification
  • CSTAG Certified Threat Specialist (Fall 2020)

Build Safer Tomorrows with Our School Safety and Wellness Suite

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