Digital Threat Detection
Support student safety with a proactive approach to prevention.
Safeguard student well-being with this powerful software that equips schools to identify and address potential risks early on. With real-time alerts and data-driven insights, schools can confidently intervene, fostering a secure and nurturing environment where students thrive.
Identify students at risk for harming themselves or others with Navigate360 Digital Threat Detection.
Early Identification & Prevention
Empower your school with advanced tools to identify warning signs of potential harm and intervene proactively.
- Utilize our AI-powered language engine to identify potential risks in district owned sources, such as G-Suite and Microsoft.
- Receive real-time alerts for swift intervention when students show signs of self-harm or violence.
Comprehensive Safety & Well-Being Support
Support student safety and well-being with continuous AI-powered monitoring, offering support at any hour.
- Implement around-the-clock monitoring to detect various indicators of harm, including self-harm, violence, and mental health issues.
- Utilize advanced software equipped with a vast database of harm language variations for comprehensive safety support.
Insightful Analysis & Intervention
Gain deeper insights into student well-being and foster a healthier school environment through expert analysis.
- Enhance understanding of student intent with insights into online sentiment and thematic warning signs.
- Equip staff with accurate intervention strategies based on insightful analysis, promoting a safer and more supportive school environment.
Join Navigate360 in our Together for Zero Pledge Today!
In the face of a growing mental health crisis among students, Navigate360 is proud to introduce our Digital Threat Detection: Self-Harm Alerts, which will be given to schools at no cost. This pledge is a demonstration of our commitment to building a better future for your school community – one where every student is safe and supported.
By joining the pledge, your school will gain access to the Self-Harm Alerts module in Digital Threat Detection which specifically targets self-harm language, enabling early identification of signs of students in distress.
Cultivate a Safer & More Supportive Environment
Early Intervention for Mental Health
Prevention of Bullying and Harassment
Enhanced Crisis Response
Data-Driven Decision-Making
Award Winning Software
Navigate360 Digital Threat Detection was awarded AI-power Education Solution of the year in the 2023 IEI Supes Choice Awards, recognizing it as a tool that effectively helps protect students and school communities.
Set a course for zero incidents.
Set a course for zero incidents.
Take a layered, holistic approach to school safety with Navigate360 technology, training, and guidance to move you closer to your goal.
Discover more Navigate360 Detection & Prevention solutions.