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Resources to Create Safe Spaces Following School & Community Violence >> ACCESS NOW

Workplace Safety

Navigate360 provides the education and services that guide employees to understand their role in preventing, preparing, responding to, and recovering from emergencies.

Nearly 6,000 workplaces have selected Navigate360 resources to assess, prevent and respond to workplace violence and emergencies.

We chose to deploy ALICE Training® to our employees globally because their program is well organized, easily understood by the audience, and comprehensive in its principles of response to an active shooter situation. We want our people to be safe and able to react appropriately to any crisis, especially one of this type. We picked the best program available to ensure their safety and survival.
Rick Kelly

Director of Global Security, Ingersoll Rand

Navigate360 Understands Workplaces

Essential to every organization’s mission is to protect workers, guests, clients, patients and everyone else in your facility and on your property. Our comprehensive suite of modern solutions spans the entire continuum of safety:

  • Prevention
  • Preparation
  • Responsiveness
  • Recovery

Our flexible workplace safety training plans comprehensively cover essential topics like security training and drill management, along with several approaches to training, including instructor-led training, online learning and individual training.

We have worked hard to build expertise so we can address the entire spectrum of workplace safety planning – creating consensus between your office, the community and law enforcement.

Every business is unique – and every workplace safety training plan is customized to meet the needs of your organization.

Workplace Safety Topics

Workplace safety includes any training or activity that protects the well-being of employees, visitors and customers. In some industries strict procedures and regular training for the handling of dangerous machinery or chemicals is required. In others, more conversation must occur around slips and/or falls, or vehicle-related accidents. But employers in every industry are responsible for educating their employees on workplace violence, even though it is sometimes overlooked as an essential topic that requires training.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the OSH Act), employers have an obligation to provide a safe work environment. This includes preventing violence. Violence is historically most prevalent in healthcare and social service settings, mobile workplaces (taxis, delivery services, etc.) and any businesses where money is exchanged. But we know from experience, violence can happen anywhere.

Workplace violence includes physical assault as well as near misses, verbal abuse and sexual harassment. Workplace safety training helps your team understand violence so they can help prevent it, or address the violent incidents with confidence whenever they see them.

Workplace Safety Training Materials

The best workplace safety training materials help you cover all the bases for your organization – from prevention and preparation through response and recovery.

Navigate360 offers a modern approach and a comprehensive solution:

  • Safety & Security Analysis Services establish a foundation of safety by defining potential issues related to the physical safety of your facility.
  • Our ALICE Training teaches people the skills and knowledge to respond proactively – but sensibly – during a violent attack.
  • Real-time Emergency Response Flipcharts provide easy-to-follow emergency instructions accessible anywhere to anyone in the organization, in a mobile app or through any web browser.
  • An array of safety and violence prevention training is available, each tailored to your organization and delivered virtually to accommodate the safety concerns related to COVID-19.

Online Workplace Safety Training

Our virtual seminars feature workplace safety training videos to cover a wide range of topics. These are available 24/7 to your staff at their convenience. Anyone can join, including individual participants as well as entire teams (up to 100) – all learning these empowering, life-saving lessons together.

Navigate360 online workplace safety training opportunities include:

  • ALICE Training®
  • Trauma Recovery
  • Suicide Prevention (coming soon)
  • Harassment & Stalking (coming soon)
  • Behavioral Threat Assessment Training (coming soon)

Workplace Safety Means Confident Employees

Having a trained and/or certified staff member for violent or emergency situations makes you a leading business and showcases how much you care about your employees. Employees with workplace safety training also can answer questions long after a large group training ends, and train new employees as they are hired. Plus, the well-trained staff member stays up-to-speed on safety regulation changes and relays new information to the entire staff.

A well-trained workplace is a confident workplace – let us help build the confidence of your workplace.

Do you have a good security plan?

Prepare your workplace to prevent threats and be able to respond to the threat of an active shooter.