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Social-Emotional Learning for SchoolsFormerly Suite360

CASEL-Aligned Character Development & Social-Emotional Wellness Program

A comprehensive and robust solution for character development and positive mental health, social and emotional wellness, behavior intervention, and restorative practices for schools of all sizes.

  • Improve academic performance and classroom behavior
  • Help students manage emotions and make better decisions
  • Encourage students to have positive attitudes about themselves and the people around them
Social-Emotional Learning for Schools

Overview and Benefits

Social-Emotional Learning for Schools

Navigate360 provides evidence-based, professionally developed solutions for districts designing and implementing SEL programs that fully align with the CASEL framework. Navigate360 offers the largest SEL library with over 1,800 lessons.

Social-Emotional Learning for Schools
Scaffolded Lessons For All Grade Levels

Scaffolded Lessons for K-12 

  • Professionally developed lessons scaffolded across grades K-12
  • Lessons are sequenced and tailored to a range of ages to meet cognitive abilities
  • Age-appropriate delivery of potentially sensitive or stigmatized information

Digital Lessons Create Easy Access

  • Web-based and mobile-friendly lessons provide convenient access for all participants
  • Students, teachers, families and school staff can access SEL curriculum on their own schedule
  • Companion lessons to ensure consistent conversations and messages to the students
BTA Team Collaboration
Customizable Programs For Any District

Customizable Programs for Any District

  • Easily scale programs to districts of any size for consistency across schools
  • Quickly integrate with existing SIS systems
  • Customize Navigate360 SEL solutions to suit the needs of your schools and students

Evidence-Based Lessons & Resources

  • The most extensive library of expert-informed, evidence-based SEL lessons available
  • Programs designed by education experts and professionals
  • Lessons are regularly updated and improved
Evidence-based Lessons & Resources

Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum

Robust Solutions for Your School

Navigate360 provides administrators, faculty and teachers with a diverse range of tools for designing, deploying and monitoring SEL programs, mental health support, and intervention and restorative practices at their schools.

Social-Emotional Learning for Students

SEL for Students

A comprehensive curriculum for character development that empowers students with scaffolded lessons that are sequenced and delivered in a modern eLearning format.
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Social-Emotional Learning for Staff

SEL for Staff

Professionally developed lessons that help educators and school staff tackle the diverse challenges they face, ranging from professional development to cyberbullying. 
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Social-Emotional Learning for Parents

SEL for Families

Digitally delivered modules that empower families to understand, reinforce and encourage their students’ social and emotional development while ensuring a consistent message.
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Mental Health & Prevention

In-depth education that helps students understand and manage their mental health and wellbeing, with sequenced lessons scaffolded across grades K-12.
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Behavior Interventions & Restorative Practices

Infraction-specific lessons focusing on restorative practices provide schools with a way to transform disciplinary actions into learning experiences for students.

Each library in the Navigate360 family provides standalone and customizable solutions for schools.

When used together, Navigate360 solutions form a powerful ecosystem for designing, implementing and monitoring comprehensive SEL programs.
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Intervention & Restorative Practices

What Do Customers Think About SEL for Schools?

“I was a classroom teacher for 10 years, so I saw all of these different programs come and go without much fidelity. With Navigate360 SEL, we have a library of relevant topics…that students can go through at their own pace.”

–Dr. Lea Campos, Assistant Principal | Woodstock Middle School

The Best Destinations Start with the Journey

Navigate360 Embark™

EmbarkTM Journey

Our Navigate360 Embark process guides customers through their initial configuration and training journey to ongoing engagement with us as a true partner in safety. We provide a variety of tools at your fingertips, such as videos, tutorials and in-app guides. 

We assign dedicated teams to ensure successful implementation and onboarding through customer support and ongoing services. Each team consists of professional Implementation Consultants, Support Representatives and Customer Success Managers. Through Navigate360 Embark, team members manage the entire process, from project initiation through ongoing support and services for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for Answers About Social-Emotional Learning for Schools? Use this Section to Help You Learn More.

You have questions about Social-Emotional Learning for Schools, and we have answers! Use our frequently asked questions to help you find the answers you need to help you determine if social-emotional learning is right for your schools. If you don’t find the answer you need, please use the button below to contact us.

Contact Navigate360

CSTAG Frequently Asked Questions
What is social-emotional learning and why is it important to my students, families and faculty?

Navigate360’s social-emotional learning curriculum offers a comprehensive and robust solution for appropriate character development and positive mental health, social and emotional wellness, behavior intervention, and restorative practices for schools of all sizes.

What does the term CASEL stand for?

The term CASEL is short for Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. CASEL is an organization dedicated to advancing social and emotional learning around the world. To learn more about CASEL, please visit

How was the social-emotional learning curriculum created?

The CASEL-aligned curriculum is scaffolded by grade and provides an on-demand sequenced learning program for students, staff and families. In addition, the fully customizable platform offers robust resources and lesson plans that are guided and flexible to meet the needs of each school.

How many lessons are included with the social-emotional learning curriculum?

Navigate360 provides evidence-based, professionally developed solutions for districts designing and implementing SEL programs that fully align with the CASEL framework. Navigate360 offers the largest SEL library with over 1,800 lessons.

Why should we choose Navigate360's social-emotional learning curriculum?

Navigate360 is the leader in holistic school safety and prevention solutions. Our revolutionary model spans the full spectrum of safety, including threat detection and prevention, mental health and wellness, and safety management and preparedness – backed by research and developed by industry experts. We provide the tools necessary to save and enhance lives.

  • The most extensive SEL library for schools with thousands of scaffolded lessons across students, staff and families.
  • Intervention and restorative practices to turn behavioral infractions into learning opportunities and reduce recidivism.
  • Robust mental health and prevention lessons to address critical and timely issues facing students, staff and families today.


The Complete Guide to Social-Emotional Learning

Creating safe learning environments requires an emphasis on social and emotional safety as well as physical safety. A critical component is a solid, evidence-based social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum that helps students succeed academically, socially and emotionally. Aligned with the core competencies set by CASEL, one of the pioneers of social-emotional learning, Navigate360 SEL provides crucial character development and restorative curriculum to students of all ages, genders and cultures.

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Navigate360 Guide

Additional Resources

SEL in Practice: Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning & Marion Public Schools
SEL in Practice: Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning & Marion Public Schools

This case study explores how Marion Public Schools in Marion, MI used Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning to help support their students with their academic and personal success.

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SEL and the Whole Child
SEL and the Whole Child

How can schools benefit from restorative justice practices versus purely punitive measures?

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Addressing the Rise in Challenging Student Behaviors
Addressing the Rise in Challenging Student Behaviors

How to implement an effective behavior intervention program using social-emotional learning and restorative practices.

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Contact Navigate360

Request a Demo of Social-Emotional Learning for Schools

Discover how you can use Social-Emotional Learning for Schools to improve school violence prevention and awareness. Speak with one of our Safety Specialists today.