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Navigate360 - The Leader in Holistic Safety

Resources to Care for the Whole Child After the Holidays

Learn How to Support Student Wellness & Success After Winter Break

The holidays can be a joyful time full of loved ones, exciting gifts and relaxation, but it can also be a hard time for those struggling with mental health issues, living in unsafe environments or facing food insecurity. Those already experiencing mental health issues report the holiday season worsens their symptoms.

Students are not immune to this experience – over 50% of secondary students report feeling depressed, stressed and anxious, and over 35% say their school performance is negatively affected by distractions and responsibilities at home. The holiday season will likely exacerbate the challenges these students are already facing.

A recent study highlighted these trends, revealing decreases in student scores for academic self-confidence, engagement and behavior around the holiday season. These trends can be attributed to a number of factors, including an unstable home environment, holiday blues, academic stress and feeling isolated or excluded. The mental and emotional toll of these experiences does not disappear once the holidays are over, and students may need increased support or intervention to successfully reenter the classroom.

Maslow before Bloom teaches that for children to succeed academically, they must have a learning environment that meets their basic safety and wellness needs. As children return from a potentially turbulent winter break, it’s crucial that teachers and school staff have plans in place to keep them on the pathway to success.

Whole-Child Wellness Solutions that Create a Holistic Culture of Safety

We know that caring for the whole child requires more than physical safety measures, which is why we are committed to providing solutions that enable educators and administrators to cultivate holistic safety on their campuses. From encouraging positive behavior and social-emotional maturation to establishing threat assessment procedures and providing digital safety tools, we are here to partner with your school community and provide the safety solutions you need to care for the whole child.

Whole Child Safety

Character & Culture Solutions

PBIS Rewards: PBIS Rewards is a Software-as-a-Service solution that is now part of Navigate360. It provides an automated school-wide PBIS (positive behavior intervention support) management system. PBIS Rewards simplifies tracking the PBIS framework within a school. An evidence-based framework used by schools to improve school culture and student behavior, PBIS promotes a safe environment for learning.

Compass Curriculum for Students: Help your students reach their full potential and thrive with the most comprehensive, evidence-based social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum available. Compass Curriculum for Students includes scaffolded lessons for grades K-12, engaging content that students understand and diverse topics that help to produce well-rounded students.

Compass Curriculum Mental Health & Prevention: Navigate360 provides valuable awareness tools to address tough mental health and safety-related topics. With professionally developed resources for students, staff and families, everyone can care for their own mental health and respond appropriately when they or someone they care about is in need.

Compass Curriculum Behavior Intervention: Turn discipline into a learning opportunity by providing students with lessons based on their infraction, which offers a better alternative to detention and suspension and improves decision-making moving forward. With the most comprehensive, continuously updated library of lessons, students have access to individualized lessons based on their behavior, cognitive level and ability.

Suicide Awareness & Prevention: Aligned with the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), Navigate360’s suicide prevention training program empowers mental health staff to help students in crisis. Through our expert-authored curriculum, staff will also gain knowledge of strategies for reducing the stigma of suicide and improving the effectiveness of prevention programs.

Mental Health & Wellness Solutions

Additional Resources

Suicide Prevention: Turn Awareness into Action Webinar

Suicide Prevention: Turn Awareness into Action Webinar

Learn about the current youth mental health landscape, common myths about youth suicide and how training and technology can be used for early identification and ongoing support.

Watch Now

Exploring SEL Authentically with Socratic Seminars

Exploring SEL Authentically with Socratic Seminars

Learn how to effectively engage secondary students in SEL curriculum.

Learn More

Creating Space & Place for Social-Emotional Learning

Creating Space & Place for Social-Emotional Learning

Learn about the power of vulnerability and steps you can take each day to create a safe learning environment in your classroom.

Learn More

8 Things Schools & Educators Can Do to Support Students’ Mental Health

8 Things Schools & Educators Can Do to Support Students’ Mental Health

Learn the steps you can take to support any student experiencing a mental health crisis.

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How to Get Districtwide Buy-In for Social-Emotional Learning

How to Get Districtwide Buy-In for Social-Emotional Learning

Learn how to effectively communicate the value of SEL to obtain buy-in from district leaders, administrators and educators.

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Behavioral Intervention & Student Discipline: From Implementation to Impact On-Demand Webinar

Behavioral Intervention & Student Discipline: From Implementation to Impact On-Demand Webinar

Learn how districts can address challenging behaviors by providing students with individualized lessons based on their behaviors and needs, offering a better alternative to detention and suspension and improving decision-making moving forward.

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Detection & Prevention Solutions

Digital Threat Detection: Digital Threat Detection is the most comprehensive, all-encompassing digital safety solution available. This software helps identify and address a student’s intent to harm themselves or others by scanning digital content in real time and notifying school administrators of harm language found in school-owned email and public social media. It also utilizes a web indexing database of 3 billion URLs to protect students from potentially harmful content.

Behavioral Case Manager: This single solution will provide your school’s mental health professionals and BTA team members with evidence-based case management software that allows for continuum of care documentation and analytics reporting to proactively improve outcomes for students of concern.

Behavioral Threat Assessment Training: Aligned with the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) or National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) threat assessment model, this is a two-part behavioral threat assessment training program that combines online and in-person (available live or virtual) learning to build the confidence needed to identify and properly intervene when a child is showing signs of a mental health crisis.

Anonymous Tipline & Reporting: This tool serves as a forum for collaboration and accountability between school administrators, peace officers and mental health professionals to ensure every student’s needs are met. Our technology also powers well-known national and state-level tip lines such as Sandy Hook Promise’s Say Something program and Safe2Tell Colorado. As the leading anonymous reporting tool, our software empowers students, teachers and individuals to proactively share information about safety, bullying, self-harm and violence.

Threat Detection & Prevention Solutions

Additional Resources

Hot Topics: Behavioral Threat Assessment On-Demand Webinar

Hot Topics: Behavioral Threat Assessment On-Demand Webinar

Learn about the impact behavioral threat assessment can have on your school community.

Watch Now

Behavioral Threat Assessment with Dr. Dewey Cornell

Behavioral Threat Assessment with Dr. Dewey Cornell

Learn answers to the most commonly asked questions about behavioral threat assessment CSTAG training from Dr. Cornell, forensic clinical psychologist, national threat assessment expert and principal author of the CSTAG behavioral threat assessment model.

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Solution Spotlight: Helping Schools Prevent Harm to Self & Others

Solution Spotlight: Helping Schools Prevent Harm to Self & Others

Learn how our Behavioral Case Manager solution works to help troubled students and keep them off a path of violence.

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P3, Filter & Detect Infographic

P3 & Detect Infographic

Learn how our comprehensive suite of digital safety tools can strengthen your campus’ holistic culture of safety.

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Navigate360 Offers Holistic Solutions that Support Students, Schools & Communities


We know it takes more than a single solution to take care of the whole child and the schools and community that surround them, which is why we believe in solutions that work better together. From prevention all the way through response and recovery, we can provide end-to-end solutions that keep your students, teachers and staff safe.

Building a comprehensive safety plan can be a daunting task, but we are here to help. Speak with one of our safety specialists today to learn how you can maximize your safety grants and state funding and build a holistic ecosystem of whole-child safety this year.