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ALICE Training ®

Evolving to Meet the Needs of Today’s SRO
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ALICE Training and The National Association of School Resource Officers ( NASRO) are both dedicated to making schools and children safer by providing the highest quality training to School Resource Officers. Learn more about how we can help protect your school.

What’s New About ALICE Training

You know ALICE Training as the leading active shooter response training program in schools across the country.

Today, we are evolving under a new brand, Navigate360, helping communities navigate the full spectrum of safety with holistic solutions.

As a component of your school safety plan, ALICE Training gives students, staff and administrators the strategies to participate in their own survival until help arrives. ALICE proactive strategies help increase survivability in those few minutes before law enforcement arrive – 69% of active shooter incidents last five minutes are less.

Empower them for those few minutes. Protect your school and set the standard with ALICE Training by teaching them survival strategies they can use while you and additional first responders are on their way.

5 Reasons Why You Should Be a Certified ALICE Instructor

Be a Partner

Bring more than just one person’s expertise to your position – bring the support of an entire program to empower your community.

Be a Role Model

Train and guide administrators, staff and students while upholding the standards of your profession.

Increase Your Contribution

By giving live-saving instruction to students and staff, your part in the community’s safety management system grows in impact.

Be Empowering

Your instruction empowers all participants with more options to respond to an active shooting incident and protect their lives.

Personalize the Training

The hands-on training you give is an important person-to-person element. It gives a practical application to all participants’ online training.

Become a Certified Instructor

ALICE Training helps you fulfill your mission to protect and serve by empowering the people in your school to survive an active shooter event.

Existing Instructors

Stay up-to-date – ALICE Instructor Certification lasts for two years and as long as certification is maintained, it can be renewed through e-Learning.

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All It Takes Is a Quick Call

All it takes is a quick call to get started. Complete the form on this page and a specialist will be in touch to begin the process.