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Why Choose A Cloud-Based Safety Software

Cloud-based storage and services are becoming increasingly popular across all facets of the technology industry. And for good reason; cloud-based services are easy to access from any device in any location with significantly lower effort. No more lost paperwork, fried hard-drives or nightly backups causing headaches over lost, valuable data.

In recent years, cloud-based technology has brought numerous benefits to a wide range of industries – K-12 education included. And, its popularity is growing.

Simply stated, cloud-based technology allows for storage, organization and access of data and programs via the Internet – instead of a computer hard drive, internal server or paper-based system. The greatest general advantage of cloud-based technology is that it’s available 24/7 (in real-time) from any Internet-enabled device so it’s more likely to be accessible when a building or facility is not.

Intel and Lenovo recently reported that more data is stored outside of a computer’s main central hard drive than ever before. The report also states that, in K-12 schools and districts, cloud-based technology provides greater cost efficiency and flexibility.

Here are seven reasons to consider a cloud-based school safety software service.

#1: Cloud-Based Safety Software Requires Less IT Support

Schools with cloud-based technology find it’s quick to implement and requires less support from school IT staff. Since most districts have limited IT resources, cloud-based technology helps IT techs accomplish more with less and remain focused on larger IT issues.

#2: Reduced Up Front Investment With Safety Software Subscription

With cloud technology, schools can modify as they go to better meet their budgets as opposed to making huge upfront investments like those required with hosted technologies.

#3: Regular Software Innovations and Better Service

The report also points out perks like ongoing innovation (every time a new function or capability is added, you get it) and customer service (customer loyalty is important to cloud-based providers because they want you to renew each year).

#4: Adapt to Safety Plan Changes More Quickly

According to Intel and Lenovo, cloud-based solutions enable schools to adapt more quickly to frequent changes in school curricula and standards, which translates to superior outcomes. In terms of safety plans, you can keep your plans and procedures compliant and immediately available to all users.

#5: Access Cloud-Based School Safety Data Anytime, Anywhere

With cloud-based technology, imperative information (such as building floor plans, emergency planning documents, or crisis preparedness protocols) can be immediately available to you – and your local first responders.

Think about a scenario like a fire, hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster. If your school’s policies, floor plans and continuity plans are saved on a computer hard drive, these events can wipe them out. With cloud-based technology, your documents are safe.

#6: Real-time School Safety Plan Updates

Also, with the cloud you can view, update and organize your emergency preparedness data and information from any location -anytime, day or night. With real-time updates, everyone using the cloud immediately receives the latest, most current information as soon as it is published.

#7: Keep Sensitive Data Secure

And, don’t worry. Cloud-based technology can be just as safe and secure as other technologies. Many cloud-based technologies go the extra mile to receive specialized safety and security designations from organizations like the Department of Homeland Security.

Last but not least, the cloud delivers great opportunity for both enhanced learning and student safety in your schools. When emergency preparedness tasks are simplified, your staff is able to better provide a safe learning environment and focus on educating their students.

Are you ready to take your safety program to the cloud? Fit Navigate360 into your Budget Plan today.

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