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Equip Teachers with Social-Emotional Learning PD

Provide Staff the Tools Necessary to See Full Benefits of SEL

Research shows that implementing a comprehensive social-emotional learning (SEL) program leads to improved rates of academic success, relationship skills, reduced behavioral problems and improved mental and physical health. In order to see these benefits of social-emotional learning, educators and administrators need the support and resources to implement with confidence. SEL-based professional development (PD) offerings empower educators and provide tools they need to successfully implement a social-emotional learning program.

When teachers and staff are equipped to support the needs of students, social-emotional learning programs are more effective. With SEL-based professional development, districts can invest in the success of students and staff alike. An effective SEL professional development program will enable you to:

  • Help staff support students.
  • Provide emotional wellness & professional development opportunities.
  • Offer ongoing support for schools & faculty.

SEL Professional Development helps deliver an understanding of SEL, its importance and how to successfully implement it in your school. The first step toward a safer school climate in ensuring that your administrators and teachers understand the full power and benefits of SEL.

Want to Learn More about Social-Emotional Learning?

Connect with one of our solution experts to learn about our comprehensive approach to SEL including curriculum & professional development offerings that support students, staff and families.

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Support School Staff as They Support Students

RAND Corporation researchers conducted a survey through the American Teacher Panel (ATP), a nationally representative sample of K-12 teachers. The survey found that though teachers feel equipped to teach SEL curriculum to their students, they want to be better supported.

  • Teachers need additional SEL-related professional development. A majority of teachers indicated a need for continuing education on topics including integrating SEL into academic instruction, adapting SEL to different cultures & learning needs and reviewing & using SEL data.
  • Teachers’ sense of wellbeing was consistent with higher use of SEL. Teachers who reported higher levels of wellbeing also reported engaging in SEL practices more often than those with lower reported well-being.

These studies show that in order to improve the success of their SEL programs, school leaders should take the following steps:

  • Develop SEL professional development resources. This includes providing a common language for schoolwide use, guidance on adapting lessons for varied cultural backgrounds and scaffolding lessons to meet students where they are.
  • Provide clear & consistent information about SEL standards. Studies demonstrate that educators familiar with their local social-emotional learning criteria employ more social and emotional skills than those unfamiliar.
  • Prioritize addressing teacher wellbeing. Investing in the social-emotional wellbeing of staff could be the most important decision made for overall school climate and student success.

SEL-focused professional development is designed to help all school staff members support social & emotional growth and positive mental health in students. It also enables teachers and staff members to manage their own social-emotional and mental health needs more effectively, allowing them to grow both personally and professionally.

Improving mental and emotional wellbeing among staff promotes a more positive campus atmosphere and a safer place for students.

Learn More about Social-Emotional Professional Development

Download this free resource to learn more about the courses offered in Navigate360 Social-Emotional Learning Professional Development program.

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A Successful SEL Program Requires the Right Tools

How does Navigate360’s SEL Professional Development help with successful implementation of a schoolwide SEL program?

Ongoing support for schools & faculty: Implementing a successful SEL program requires more than just evidence-based methodology and expert insight – schools and districts need a way to monitor multiple variables to ensure success. We make it easy for administrators and staff to monitor SEL programs, ensure accountability and guarantee accurate reporting.

Transparent records & recording: Our scalable architecture ensures that SEL programs can be successfully implemented in districts and schools of any size with speed and efficiency.

  • Digital records can be accessed anywhere for quick reference and secure documentation.
  • Secure access ensures accountability among reporters.
  • Universal integration with existing SIS systems.

Flexible programs based on school & student needs: Our SEL Professional Development features guidance on hundreds of topics to help students grow into successful adults and citizens. Scalable and customizable software allows districts to tailor their programs to the diverse needs of schools and students to ensure an inclusive and safe environment to learn and grow.

  • Culturally informed lessons ensure sensitive issues are addressed appropriately.
  • Support for multiple languages and accessibility.
  • Regular updates keep content relevant in an ever-changing world.

Navigate360 Offers Holistic Solutions that Support Students, Schools & Communities

We know it takes more than a single solution to take care of the whole-child and the schools and community that surround them, which is why we believe in solutions that work better together. From prevention all the way through response and recovery, we can provide end-to-end solutions that keep your students, teachers and staff safe.

Building a comprehensive safety plan can be a daunting task, but we are here to help. Speak with one of our safety specialists today to learn how you can build a holistic ecosystem of whole-child safety this year.

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